When I was just a pup I remember playing with my two brothers in a place where there were lots of dogs waiting to be adopted. The three of us were pretty rambunctious and earned the names Curly, Moe, and Larry. I’m not sure what those names mean, but when our story is told, people laugh. Curly and Moe were adopted right away, but not me. I was lonesome without my bros. My foster Mom posted a cute picture of me on something called Facebook, and presto, I was adopted into my forever home.

My new Mom and Dad taught me lots of tricks and new things like don’t lick the dishes in the dishwasher, be careful when doing zoomies in the backyard, and not everything is eatable.
One day the doorbell rang, and I sounded my alarm thinking it was the man in the brown truck. But it was my brother Moe and his family. Boy, was I excited. You never forget the love of family. We romped and played just like old times. Mom said she found Moe on that strange thing called Facebook. I guess it’s not all bad if you use it wisely. She couldn’t find Curly, though. We think he changed his name to protect the innocent.
I’ve learned a lot in my eleven years, especially about love.
Love is:
- Four paws and a wagging tail
- Snuggling with your buddies
- A lick on the cheek
- Treats before bedtime
- Waiting in front of closed doors
- Playing hide and go seek
- Going for walks every day
I love Mom & Dad and stay close by their sides. Maybe that’s true for humans too.
Happy Valentine’s Day.
Love, Larry

I just learned that Moe crossed over the Rainbow Bridge last month. Moe and his antics will always hold a special place in our hearts. His mom wrote, “Sweet Moses! You gave us the best of yourself every day with no reservations. Our lives are richer because of you.”
Unconditional Love.