Barbara has taught everything from Bible study to 4 year olds, to accounting to adults. Her expertise is in English, grammar, writing, and speech.
As a life-long learner, Barbara researches the wildlife in her books and shares facts and sounds with her readers. Children from the ages of 4-9 enjoy having Barbara read her books and discuss the animals as well as life lessons about friendship, kindness, and getting along with others.
Reading “Quincy the Quail Leads His Family on an Adventure”

Barbara visits schools as a guest author. She reads one or two of her books and facilitates a writing or craft activity with the students.

Barbara creates lessons appropriate for the grade level.

Barbara organizes Author Fairs that include book readings, literacy lessons, and book signings.
“I was pleased that our school valued writing to the extent that they allowed me to plan a full day of guest authors who shared their craft with the students. We had 7 authors who presented 4 lessons to different age groups. There were 2 sessions in the morning and 2 sessions after lunch. Each author presented a different topic that would give students a special take away they could use in their work. The generosity of the authors was amazing! They did not ask for anything except a chance to sell their books to the students.”
-Marti Noland, 4th Grade, Department Head
Paradise Valley Christian Preparatory
Grades Kindergarten – First
- Read books
- Discuss values such as kindness, friendship, forgiveness, and/or caring
- Answer questions
- Coloring pages
- Craft activity
- Signed books donated to school library
- Opportunity for parents to purchase personalized books for their child
Grades Second – Fourth
- Read books
- Discuss main themes in stories
- Answer questions
- Writing lesson
- Signed books donated to school library
- Opportunity for parents to purchase personalized books for their child
- $75 for parent night with opportunity to purchase signed books
- $100 for 45 minute to 1 hour visit to one classroom
- $200 for half-day visit to multiple classrooms
- No charge for full-day Author Fair, organized by Barbara, as long as order forms are sent home to parents a week in advance for parents to purchase personalized and signed books
- Contact Barbara at [email protected] and provide the following:
- Name of school and school’s address
- Name of contact person
- Type of event
- Preferred month/date/time
- Goals for the visit
Teacher Testimonials
- “Thank you SO much for coordinating Author Day! The kids had a blast as did I!”
- “We are so thankful that we were able to have this time to hear different ways authors create their books!”
- “I even learned about some great activities that I’d love to try with my kids!”
- “Amazing day!”
- “It was wonderful! I was so impressed with all the notes my students took and questions they asked. They were writing all day!”